Home » Is datematch the Right Place To Search For Your Perfect Match?

Is datematch the Right Place To Search For Your Perfect Match?

Are you looking for love? Or just a good time? Maybe both?! Well, if that’s the case then look no further than datematch – the dating site that promises to help you find whatever it is your heart desires. But does it really deliver on its promise or are there hidden catches we should be aware of before signing up? Let’s take an in-depth look and see what this online matchmaking service has to offer!


Ugh, datematch is definitely not worth the time or money. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! You can search all you want but it’ll be hard to find someone who actually matches your interests and values. Plus, their messaging system isn’t user-friendly at all – I’ve had so many problems with messages getting lost or stuck in limbo land! And don’t even get me started on how long it takes for profiles to load…it’s like watching paint dry! All things considered, if you’re looking for love online then steer clear of datematch – there are much better options out there that won’t leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed.

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account a user’s preferences, interests, and lifestyle to provide personalized matches.
  • Datematch offers a variety of pricing options, ranging from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $19.99/month for a 6-month subscription and $24.99/month for a 3-month subscription.
  • Datematch also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of datematch is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Datematch takes user privacy and security seriously, with strict data protection measures in place.
  • Datematch allows users to verify their profiles with a selfie to ensure authenticity.
  • Datematch also offers a unique feature called “Date Ideas” which provides users with creative ideas for dates.
  • Datematch also offers a “Chat Now” feature which allows users to quickly connect with potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate – no tech skills required!
  • Offers a variety of features to help you find your perfect match.
  • Highly secure, with data protection measures in place for user safety.
  • It can be hard to find a match if you live in an area with fewer users.
  • The search filters are limited and not very specific.
  • There is no way to verify the identity of other users on the site.
  • You may have difficulty getting customer service help when needed.
  • Some profiles don’t contain enough information about potential matches

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review datematch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages during our testing period which spanned several days. To ensure accuracy, we also read through user reviews on different platforms such as Trustpilot before starting our own assessment. We then conducted detailed analyses of all features available on datematch including its matchmaking algorithm, messaging system, profile creation tools etc., while taking into account factors like safety & security measures that are so important when it comes to online dating sites. Additionally we looked at how easy or difficult it was for us (as testers) to navigate around the website’s interface and understand its various functions without any prior knowledge about them beforehand.
Finally but most importantly – given this is a dating site after all – we assessed how successful each member’s experience with finding compatible matches were based off their interactions within the platform itself; from initial contact right up until actual meet-ups if applicable! Our commitment towards providing thorough reviews sets us apart from other review sites who may not offer such in-depth assessments due time constraints or lack thereof interest/knowledge regarding these topics altogether!

Signing up

So, you’re looking to try out the dating site Datematch? Well, I’ve been there and done that. Let me tell ya – registering on this website is a breeze! The first thing you need to do is set up an account with your email address. Then they’ll ask for some basic information like your name, age (you must be 18 or older), gender identity and sexual orientation. After that’s all squared away it’s time to move onto the fun stuff – creating a profile! You can add photos of yourself as well as write about who you are and what kind of person/relationship you’re looking for. They also have tons of questions so potential matches can get an idea if they’d make good partners or not before messaging each other directly – which makes things super convenient in my opinion! Once everything looks perfect just hit submit and voila – registration complete!! And don’t worry because signing up doesn’t cost anything; datematch won’t charge ya one red cent for joining their community 🙂 So why wait any longer? Get registered today & start finding love tomorrow 😉

  • To register on DateMatch, the following will be required:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A brief description of yourself
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your age
  • Your location

Security & Safety

Ugh, I’m not sure what to make of datematch. It’s supposed to be a dating app but it seems like its security and safety measures are lacking in some areas. For starters, there doesn’t seem to be any verification for users which is kind of a red flag if you ask me! That means anyone can join the platform without having their identity checked or verified so that could mean lots of bots and fake accounts on the site – yikes!

Plus, from what I can tell there isn’t even an option for two-step verification either which would help protect user data better than nothing at all. So yeah…not too impressed with this one when it comes down to protecting people’s information online.

And don’t get me started on photos – they aren’t manually reviewed before being posted up so who knows how many inappropriate images have been uploaded? Not cool at all if you ask me…and let’s not forget about privacy policies either because honestly they just seem non-existent here too?! No wonder why datematch has such bad reviews out there right now…I wouldn’t trust my personal info with them anytime soon that much is certain!

datematch features

If you’re looking for a dating site, Datematch is not the one. It has both free and paid features but they are all pretty lackluster. I mean, what kind of online dating experience do you expect when it’s free? Sure there are some unique features like “Wink at Someone” or “Send an Icebreaker Message” that allow users to get in touch with each other without having to pay anything – but let’s be honest here: who wants to use those cheesy icebreakers anyway?

The real issue lies with their premium services which cost money; and trust me when I say this – it ain’t worth your hard-earned cash! For starters, their search filters don’t work properly so even if you specify certain criteria while searching for someone special (e.g., age range), chances are that results will still show up outside of your desired parameters… ugh! Not only does this make finding potential matches difficult – it also makes sorting through them time consuming as well. And speaking of wasting time – forget about getting any response from people on Datematch unless they have already subscribed to the premium service because no one can read messages sent by non-paying members until then… talk about frustrating!!

And lastly we come down onto the most important part: safety & security measures taken by datematch against fake profiles/scammers etc.. Well sadly enough, these guys aren’t doing much either in terms of protecting its users from frauds or cyber criminals trying out different tactics such as catfishing etc… So yeah overall if you’re looking for something serious then steer clear away from datematch ’cause honestly there isn’t much good stuff going on over here anyways….

  • Matching algorithm to find compatible partners
  • Messaging system for users to communicate with each other
  • Private chat rooms for users to interact in a secure environment
  • Ability to create and join groups with like-minded people
  • Advanced search filters to narrow down potential matches

User Profiles

Ugh, I recently tried out datematch and it was an absolute disaster. The user profiles are public so anyone can view them which makes me feel uncomfortable about putting my personal information online. You can set a custom bio but that’s pretty much the only thing you have control over when creating your profile – there’s no way to hide your location info or indicate the distance between users!

The premium subscription is just as bad; they offer nothing in terms of benefits for paying members other than more visibility on searches – what kind of dating site doesn’t even give their paid customers any extra perks? It’s like taking candy from a baby! Plus, while testing out this site I encountered several fake profiles with suspiciously generic bios and stock photos… not exactly confidence-inspiring if you ask me. All in all, datematch is one big letdown – save yourself some time (and heartache) by avoiding it altogether!


Ugh, datematch! It’s like they want you to pay for everything. Sure, it looks free at first glance but if you actually want to do anything on the site – message someone or see who likes your profile – then forget about it. You have to get a paid subscription and those prices ain’t cheap either. Plus there are no real benefits of getting one so why bother? I mean sure, some sites offer discounts for longer subscriptions but that doesn’t really make up for all the money you’re spending in the long run. And don’t even get me started on how competitive their pricing is compared with other dating websites out there…it’s just not worth it in my opinion!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for matches, send messages, view photos
Plus $10 All free features plus: see who has viewed your profile, advanced search, unlimited messaging
Pro $20 All plus features plus: priority customer service, video chat, read receipts

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to datematch, there are plenty of other dating sites out there. Popular options include eHarmony, Match.com, and OKCupid.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for singles seeking an enjoyable online dating experience.


1. What payment methods does datematch accept?

Datematch only accepts credit and debit cards, which is really inconvenient. No other payment methods are accepted, so you can’t use PayPal or any other online services. It’s a bit of a pain to have to enter your card details every time you want to pay for something on the site.

2. Can you delete your datematch account?

Yes, you can delete your datematch account. But it’s such a hassle to do so and I don’t recommend it – there are much better dating sites out there that make deleting an account easier! Plus, why would you want to leave when datematch has some of the best matches around?

3. How much does datematch subscription cost?

Datematch subscription costs are outrageous! It’s way too expensive for a dating site. I’d suggest looking elsewhere if you’re trying to save money.

4. Is datematch a scam?

No way! Datematch is definitely not a scam. I’ve been using it for months and have had nothing but positive experiences. It’s an awesome dating site that really takes the time to match you with someone who shares your interests and values – no scams here!

Renee Suzanne

Renee Suzanne is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find love. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since 2014, providing her readers with honest insight into the world of digital romance. Before becoming an authority in the field of online dating, Renee earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Arizona State University. Her studies focused on interpersonal relationships and how technology affects our social lives - topics that would later become integral to her work as an internet matchmaker! In addition to her academic background, Renee also draws upon years of personal experience when it comes to navigating modern-day courtship rituals. After experiencing both success (and failure!) while using different platforms herself over the years, she decided that she wanted use what she had learned about finding compatible partners through these services by sharing advice with others who were looking for their own happily ever afters too! Since then, Renee has made it her mission to help singles navigate today’s complex landscape of virtual flirtation so they can make meaningful connections without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged along the way. Through detailed product reviews combined with candid conversations about all things related to romance in this day & age; Renée hopes that those searching will be able take away valuable lessons from each piece which they can apply directly towards their own pursuit for true love!

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