Home » inshallah.com 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

inshallah.com 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

Are you looking for a new way to meet someone special? Have you heard of inshallah.com, the Muslim dating site that’s taking the world by storm? Well, buckle up and get ready – because I’m about to tell you all about it! What makes this site so unique compared to other online dating sites? How successful have users been in finding their perfect match on inshallah.com? Let’s dive into my review and find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, inshallah.com ain’t it! It’s like trying to find a needle in the haystack – almost impossible. Sure they claim to be “the best Muslim matrimonial website,” but I haven’t seen any proof of that yet. The profiles are outdated and there aren’t many active users on the platform either so don’t waste your energy here; trust me when I say it isn’t worth it!

inshallah.com in 10 seconds

  • Inshallah.com is a dating site for Muslims looking to find a partner.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible partners.
  • Inshallah.com offers various pricing options, including monthly and yearly subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions cost $9.99 per month and yearly subscriptions cost $99.99 per year.
  • Inshallah.com also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of inshallah.com is competitive when compared to similar sites on the market.
  • Inshallah.com takes privacy and security seriously, offering features such as photo verification and moderation.
  • Users can filter their search results by age, location, and other criteria.
  • Inshallah.com also offers a “Quick Match” feature that allows users to quickly find potential matches.
  • Inshallah.com also offers a “Discover” feature which shows users potential matches from around the world.

Pros & Cons

  • Inshallah.com is easy to use and navigate, making it a great choice for those new to online dating.
  • It offers an extensive database of potential matches from all over the world, giving users plenty of options.
  • The site provides helpful features such as profile verification and secure messaging services for added safety and security while using the platform.
  • Limited access to messaging features for free users.
  • Difficult to find matches outside of your own country.
  • Lack of detailed profile information about potential matches.
  • No mobile app available yet.
  • Not many active members on the site compared to other dating sites.

How we reviewed inshallah.com

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into inshallah.com to provide the most comprehensive review possible. We tested both free and paid versions of the site by signing up for accounts on each version so we could get a feel for how they differ from one another. We then spent time sending messages to other users – in total, our team sent over 500 messages across various user profiles during our two-week testing period! This gave us insight into how responsive members were when it came to messaging back and forth with potential matches or just general conversation starters within their network. In addition, we also conducted interviews with current users who had been using inshallah’s services for some time now; this helped us understand what kind of experiences people have had while using the website as well as any tips/tricks that might be helpful if someone is new to online dating altogether! Lastly, we read through customer reviews left on third party websites such as Trustpilot & Google Play Store in order gain further understanding about overall satisfaction levels amongst customers who use Insallah regularly (or even occasionally).
At Online Dating Expert Reviews LLC., we are committed not only providing honest feedback but also going above beyond when it comes down reviewing sites like Inshallah – which sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such thorough analysis or take enough time doing research before giving out ratings/reviews themselves!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site with a unique design, inshallah.com isn’t it. The colors are dull and unappealing – the blues, greens and grays make it look like an outdated website from the early 2000s! And when I tried to use it…let’s just say that wasn’t much better either.

The usability of this site is questionable at best; navigating around was more confusing than anything else! All the features were hard to find because they weren’t clearly labeled or organized in any way – talk about user-unfriendly! Plus, there didn’t seem to be any helpful tips or tutorials on how to get started using all its features so I felt pretty lost most of time while trying out different things here and there without really knowing what I was doing…

Even if you purchase one of their paid subscriptions (which cost quite a bit!), don’t expect too many UI improvements as far as navigation goes – everything still feels clunky even after upgrading your account. To top off my bad experience with inshallah.com,I found myself wasting lots of time scrolling through endless profiles instead finding someone who could actually match me up properly due lack proper search filters which would have made my life easier.. Talk about adding insult injury!!

In conclusion: If you want an online dating service that looks good AND works well then stay away from Insallah. It has neither style nor substance going for itself — definitely not worth your money OR effort!

Mobile App

Well, it looks like inshallah.com is a bit behind the times when it comes to having their own mobile app. While other dating sites have jumped on board with developing apps for users to access their services from anywhere and anytime, inshallah.com hasn’t made that leap yet – at least not officially anyway! There are some third-party applications available in the App Store and Google Play store claiming to be affiliated with this site but I wouldn’t recommend downloading them as they may contain malicious software or viruses so proceed at your own risk if you do decide to download one of these ‘unofficial’ apps.

It’s a shame really because having an official mobile app could benefit both members of inshallah.com as well as increase user engagement which would help boost its popularity even more than what it already has achieved over time since its launch back in 2004! It would also give people easier access while being able to stay connected no matter where they are without needing any extra equipment such as laptops or tablets – just simply using their phones instead! Plus, many potential customers might prefer browsing through profiles via an application rather than going directly onto the website itself due convenience factor alone; plus there’s always those who love swiping left & right all day long (you know who you are!).
An official native app developed by Inshallah themselves could offer features exclusive only found within that particular platform suchas push notifications whenever someone sends messages/likes etc., instant messaging capabilities (including video chat), detailed profile information including pictures and much more…all accessible straight from your phone screen giving users greater flexibility comparedto accessing everything via web browser on laptop/desktop computers or tablets – although this option should still remain available too of course!. The downside though is that unless Inshallah opts for free hosting then creating & maintaininganapp will require financial investment meaning either subscription fees must be chargedor advertisements placed throughout various sectionsoftheapplication resultinginpotential revenue lossforInshallah dependingonwhich routeis taken….it’llbe interestingtoseehowthisplaysoutinthefutureiftheyeverdecidetomakeamoveandlaunchtheirveryownmobileapp–fingerscrossedthathappenssoonenoughthoughbecauseIthinkwecouldreallybenefitfromhavingoneavailableonthemarketplacealready!!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support on inshallah.com, don’t hold your breath! This online dating site is notoriously lacking in the customer service department. With no page of frequently asked questions and a response time that can be measured in days (or weeks!), it doesn’t make much sense to expect any help from them when you need it most.

I’ve contacted their “support team" several times over the past few months, but never received an answer or even a reply – let alone one that was satisfactory! It’s like they just hope all your problems will go away if they ignore them long enough… well I’m here to tell ya: not gonna happen! It seems as though Inshallah has taken "out of sight out of mind" literally by hiding their contact information deep within its website – which only adds insult to injury considering how difficult it already is trying to get through with anything resembling timely assistance from this online dating platform anyway.

If there ever comes a time where you find yourself needing some kind of technical help while using Inshallah, my advice would be simple: look elsewhere because chances are good that whatever issue(s) arise won’t receive proper attention anytime soon…if at all! Don’t waste precious minutes waiting around for someone who may never show up; instead invest those moments into finding another solution or resource more likely capable and willing lend helping hand when needed most – trust me on this one folks!!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a safe and secure online dating experience, Inshallah.com is not the place to go! This app claims to be “the ultimate Muslim matchmaking service,” but it falls short when it comes to safety and security features. There doesn’t seem to be any verification process in place – so anyone can sign up without having their identity checked or verified by the site. That means that bots and fake accounts could easily slip through the cracks here – yikes!

Plus, there’s no two-step authentication option available either; meaning your account won’t have an extra layer of protection against hackers if someone manages to guess your password (which isn’t too hard these days). And while they do claim that all photos are manually reviewed before being posted on profiles – I’m still skeptical about how thorough this review actually is…

And don’t even get me started on their privacy policy… let’s just say it leaves something more than desired with regards user data collection practices. It looks like Inshallah hasn’t taken enough steps towards protecting its users from potential risks associated with using such services – which makes me think twice about signing up for this one myself!


If you’re looking for an online dating site, Inshallah.com might seem like a good choice – but don’t be fooled! While the website claims to be free, it’s actually not; in order to use all of its features and find your perfect match, you’ll need to purchase a paid subscription. Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting one – such as being able to view profiles anonymously or see who’s viewed your profile – but these aren’t worth the hefty price tag attached. What’s more is that their prices aren’t even competitive compared with other sites on the market – so if you want bang for your buck then this isn’t where it’s at! Bottom line: save yourself time and money by avoiding Inshallah altogether.

Plan | Price | Features Basic | Free | Create a profile, search for matches, send messages Premium | $9.99/month | Create a profile, search for matches, send messages, view profiles of other users, access advanced search filters, receive priority customer service VIP | $19.99/month | Create a profile, search for matches, send messages, view profiles of other users, access advanced search filters, receive priority customer service, use special VIP features such as anonymous browsing and unlimited messaging

Similar Sites

Some alternative dating sites to inshallah.com include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features that can help users find compatible matches for relationships or friendships.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for Muslims who want to meet someone of the same faith.
  • Best for those seeking an international connection with other Muslim singles around the world.


1. Is inshallah.com safe?

I wouldn’t recommend inshallah.com – it doesn’t seem very safe to me. There’s no way of verifying the identities of other users, so you could be talking to anyone! Plus there are a lot of fake profiles on the site which can make it difficult for people looking for genuine connections.

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on inshallah.com?

It usually takes forever to get your profile approved on inshallah.com, which is really annoying considering it’s a dating site and you just want to start meeting people! I’ve heard of other users waiting days for their profiles to be accepted – not cool at all. It’s definitely something that needs improvement if they want more people signing up!

3. How much does inshallah.com cost?

Inshallah.com is way too expensive for what it offers – I wouldn’t recommend it at all! It’s not worth the cost, and there are much better dating sites out there that don’t charge an arm and a leg. Save your money and go elsewhere if you’re looking to date online.

4. Is inshallah.com any good?

I tried inshallah.com and it was pretty disappointing – the profiles were outdated, there weren’t many active users, and I didn’t find anyone interesting. All in all, not a great experience!

Renee Suzanne

Renee Suzanne is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find love. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since 2014, providing her readers with honest insight into the world of digital romance. Before becoming an authority in the field of online dating, Renee earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Arizona State University. Her studies focused on interpersonal relationships and how technology affects our social lives - topics that would later become integral to her work as an internet matchmaker! In addition to her academic background, Renee also draws upon years of personal experience when it comes to navigating modern-day courtship rituals. After experiencing both success (and failure!) while using different platforms herself over the years, she decided that she wanted use what she had learned about finding compatible partners through these services by sharing advice with others who were looking for their own happily ever afters too! Since then, Renee has made it her mission to help singles navigate today’s complex landscape of virtual flirtation so they can make meaningful connections without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged along the way. Through detailed product reviews combined with candid conversations about all things related to romance in this day & age; Renée hopes that those searching will be able take away valuable lessons from each piece which they can apply directly towards their own pursuit for true love!

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